
  • get - Gross To Net Report


    "bankPayments": "double",
    "employeeId": "int32",
    "employeeNic": "double",
    "employeePensionContribution": "double",
    "employerNic": "double",
    "employerNicClass1A": "double",
    "employerPensionContribution": "double",
    "expenses": {
        "<key>": "double"
    "externalId": "string",
    "firstName": "string",
    "grossEarnings": {
        "<key>": "double"
    "nIableEarnings": "double",
    "netEarnings": "double",
    "paye": "double",
    "postGradLoan": "double",
    "postTaxDeductions": {
        "<key>": "double"
    "preTaxDeductions": {
        "<key>": "double"
    "primaryLocation": "string",
    "primaryLocationId": "int32",
    "studentLoan": "double",
    "surname": "string",
    "taxableEarnings": "double",
    "totalExpenses": "double",
    "totalGrossEarnings": "double",
    "totalGrossPlusPensionsAndNic": "double",
    "totalHours": "double",
    "totalPostTaxDeductions": "double",
    "totalPreTaxDeductions": "double",
    "totalTaxExemptEarnings": "double"


Name Type Description
bankPayments double Decimal
employeeId int32 Int32
employeeNic double Decimal
employeePensionContribution double Decimal
employerNic double Decimal
employerNicClass1A double Decimal
employerPensionContribution double Decimal
expenses object Dictionary
expenses.<key> map of double Decimal
externalId string String
firstName string String
grossEarnings object Dictionary
grossEarnings.<key> map of double Decimal
nIableEarnings double Decimal
netEarnings double Decimal
paye double Decimal
postGradLoan double Decimal
postTaxDeductions object Dictionary
postTaxDeductions.<key> map of double Decimal
preTaxDeductions object Dictionary
preTaxDeductions.<key> map of double Decimal
primaryLocation string String
primaryLocationId int32 Int32
studentLoan double Decimal
surname string String
taxableEarnings double Decimal
totalExpenses double Decimal
totalGrossEarnings double Decimal
totalGrossPlusPensionsAndNic double Decimal
totalHours double Decimal
totalPostTaxDeductions double Decimal
totalPreTaxDeductions double Decimal
totalTaxExemptEarnings double Decimal