Saves any employee details that the employee is allowed to set.



Path parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
employeeId string Required

Request body

The request body takes a complete EmployeePartialEditModel resource, containing the following writable properties:

    "anniversaryDate": "date-time",
    "bankAccounts": [
            "accountName": "string",
            "accountNumber": "string",
            "accountType": "string",
            "allocateBalance": "boolean",
            "allocatedPercentage": "double",
            "bankSwift": "string",
            "branchCode": "string",
            "bsb": "string",
            "canBeDeleted": "boolean",
            "externalReferenceId": "string",
            "fixedAmount": "double",
            "id": "int32",
            "ignoreFields": {
                "<key>": "string"
            "isEmployeeEditable": "boolean",
            "mdmId": "string",
            "mdmSchemaVersion": "string",
            "mdmVersion": "int64",
            "myBankCode": "string",
            "myOtherBankName": "string",
            "rollNumber": "string",
            "sendToMdm": "boolean",
            "source": "string",
            "triggeredFromMdm": "boolean"
    "businessId": "int32",
    "dateOfBirth": "date-time",
    "email": "string",
    "employeeStarterType": "string",
    "endDate": "date-time",
    "externalId": "string",
    "externalReferenceId": "string",
    "firstName": "string",
    "gender": "string",
    "homePhone": "string",
    "id": "int32",
    "ignoreFields": {
        "<key>": "string"
    "includeInPortableLongServiceLeaveReport": "boolean",
    "isOverseasPostalAddress": "boolean",
    "isOverseasResidentialAddress": "boolean",
    "isPostalAddressSameAsResidential": "boolean",
    "legalName": "string",
    "mdmSyncUser": "boolean",
    "middleName": "string",
    "mobilePhone": "string",
    "otherName": "string",
    "payrollId": "string",
    "portableLongServiceLeaveId": "string",
    "postalAddressLine2": "string",
    "postalAddressLine3": "string",
    "postalAddressType": "string",
    "postalAddress_MdmId": "string",
    "postalAddress_MdmSchemaVersion": "string",
    "postalAddress_MdmVersion": "int64",
    "postalBlockNumber": "string",
    "postalCountry": "string",
    "postalCountryId": "string",
    "postalLevelNumber": "string",
    "postalPostcode": "string",
    "postalState": "string",
    "postalStreetAddress": "string",
    "postalStreetName": "string",
    "postalSuburb": "string",
    "postalSuburbId": "int32",
    "postalUnitNumber": "string",
    "previousSurname": "string",
    "residentialAddressLine2": "string",
    "residentialAddressLine3": "string",
    "residentialAddressType": "string",
    "residentialAddress_MdmId": "string",
    "residentialAddress_MdmSchemaVersion": "string",
    "residentialAddress_MdmVersion": "int64",
    "residentialBlockNumber": "string",
    "residentialCountry": "string",
    "residentialCountryId": "string",
    "residentialLevelNumber": "string",
    "residentialPostcode": "string",
    "residentialState": "string",
    "residentialStreetAddress": "string",
    "residentialStreetName": "string",
    "residentialSuburb": "string",
    "residentialSuburbId": "int32",
    "residentialUnitNumber": "string",
    "sendToMdm": "boolean",
    "source": "string",
    "startDate": "date-time",
    "surname": "string",
    "tagsString": "string",
    "taxFileNumber": "string",
    "taxFileNumberMasked": "string",
    "terminationReason": "string",
    "timesheetSetting": "string",
    "titleId": "int32",
    "triggeredFromMdm": "boolean",
    "workPhone": "string"


Name Type Description
anniversaryDate date-time Nullable
bankAccounts[] array
bankAccounts[].accountName string String
bankAccounts[].accountNumber string String
bankAccounts[].accountType string BankAccountTypeEnum

Possible values are:

  • Electronic
  • ManualDeposit
  • CashOrCheque
  • Bpay
bankAccounts[].allocateBalance boolean Boolean
bankAccounts[].allocatedPercentage double Nullable
bankAccounts[].bankSwift string String
bankAccounts[].branchCode string String
bankAccounts[].bsb string String
bankAccounts[].canBeDeleted boolean Boolean
bankAccounts[].externalReferenceId string String
bankAccounts[].fixedAmount double Nullable
bankAccounts[].id int32 Int32
bankAccounts[].ignoreFields object IDictionary
bankAccounts[].ignoreFields.<key> map of string String
bankAccounts[].isEmployeeEditable boolean Boolean
bankAccounts[].mdmId string String
bankAccounts[].mdmSchemaVersion string String
bankAccounts[].mdmVersion int64 Nullable
bankAccounts[].myBankCode string String
bankAccounts[].myOtherBankName string String
bankAccounts[].rollNumber string String
bankAccounts[].sendToMdm boolean Boolean
bankAccounts[].source string ExternalService

Possible values are:

  • None
  • Saasu
  • Xero
  • MYOB
  • Deputy
  • EmployeeTimePunch
  • ClickSuper
  • IntegratedTimesheets
  • FileImport
  • FileExport
  • QuickBooks
  • Harmony
  • AwardStore
  • Attache
  • IntegratedRostering
  • ReckonAccounts
  • API
  • MicroPower
  • RosterLive
  • NetSuite
  • Kounta
  • TimeAndAttendanceKiosk
  • DetailedFileExport
  • JonasPremier
  • WageEasy
  • Maestrano
  • WorkZone
  • EmployeePortal
  • RosterTemplate
  • Onboarding
  • Admin
  • WorkZoneClockOnOff
  • NetSuiteOneWorld
  • Sage50
  • PensionSync
  • FinancialsOffice
  • ProntoXI
  • PayRunDefault
  • StandardWorkDay
  • Beam
  • PayRunAutomation
  • BureauDashboard
  • Wiise
  • QBOMigrationTool
  • AbridgedFileImport
  • QBOForcedMigration
  • HmrcDpsUpdate
  • HmrcDpsStudentLoan
  • HmrcDpsPostGradLoan
  • Sage50FileImporter
  • FPSFileImporter
  • OAuth
  • FreshBooks
  • StarFileImporter
  • ActiveCampaign
  • SummaryAndDetailsExport
  • Telleroo
  • EmployeeAdvancedHoursUpload
  • BusinessCentral
  • Paytron
  • AccessFinancials
  • Comma
  • Zoho
  • FlatFileEmployeeImporter
  • Twinfield
  • SageAccounting
  • Square
  • Quickfile
  • Tide
  • TideSso
  • FreeAgent
  • Akahu
  • InstaPay
  • Zepto
  • Slack
  • Caxton
  • QuickbooksStandalonePayroll
  • ImportEmployeeSelfSetup
  • XeroIdentityPayrollSignUp
  • XeroIdentityHrSignUp
  • SageIntacct
  • InstaPayDaily
  • Salesforce
  • AutomatedPublicHolidayNotWorked
  • EmployeePayRatesUpload
  • Zapier
bankAccounts[].triggeredFromMdm boolean Boolean
businessId int32 Int32
dateOfBirth date-time Nullable
email string String
employeeStarterType string EmployeeStarterTypeEnum

Possible values are:

  • NewStarter
  • ReportedHmrc
endDate date-time Nullable
externalId string String
externalReferenceId string String
firstName string String
gender string String
homePhone string String
id int32 Int32
ignoreFields object IDictionary
ignoreFields.<key> map of string String
includeInPortableLongServiceLeaveReport boolean Boolean
isOverseasPostalAddress boolean Boolean
isOverseasResidentialAddress boolean Boolean
isPostalAddressSameAsResidential boolean Boolean
legalName string String
mdmSyncUser boolean Boolean
middleName string String
mobilePhone string String
otherName string String
payrollId string String
portableLongServiceLeaveId string String
postalAddressLine2 string String
postalAddressLine3 string String
postalAddressType string Nullable

Possible values are:

  • LocalAddress
  • ForeignAddress
  • LocalCareOfAddress
postalAddress_MdmId string String
postalAddress_MdmSchemaVersion string String
postalAddress_MdmVersion int64 Nullable
postalBlockNumber string String
postalCountry string String
postalCountryId string String
postalLevelNumber string String
postalPostcode string String
postalState string String
postalStreetAddress string String
postalStreetName string String
postalSuburb string String
postalSuburbId int32 Nullable
postalUnitNumber string String
previousSurname string String
residentialAddressLine2 string String
residentialAddressLine3 string String
residentialAddressType string Nullable

Possible values are:

  • LocalAddress
  • ForeignAddress
  • LocalCareOfAddress
residentialAddress_MdmId string String
residentialAddress_MdmSchemaVersion string String
residentialAddress_MdmVersion int64 Nullable
residentialBlockNumber string String
residentialCountry string String
residentialCountryId string String
residentialLevelNumber string String
residentialPostcode string String
residentialState string String
residentialStreetAddress string String
residentialStreetName string String
residentialSuburb string String
residentialSuburbId int32 Nullable
residentialUnitNumber string String
sendToMdm boolean Boolean
source string ExternalService

Possible values are:

  • None
  • Saasu
  • Xero
  • MYOB
  • Deputy
  • EmployeeTimePunch
  • ClickSuper
  • IntegratedTimesheets
  • FileImport
  • FileExport
  • QuickBooks
  • Harmony
  • AwardStore
  • Attache
  • IntegratedRostering
  • ReckonAccounts
  • API
  • MicroPower
  • RosterLive
  • NetSuite
  • Kounta
  • TimeAndAttendanceKiosk
  • DetailedFileExport
  • JonasPremier
  • WageEasy
  • Maestrano
  • WorkZone
  • EmployeePortal
  • RosterTemplate
  • Onboarding
  • Admin
  • WorkZoneClockOnOff
  • NetSuiteOneWorld
  • Sage50
  • PensionSync
  • FinancialsOffice
  • ProntoXI
  • PayRunDefault
  • StandardWorkDay
  • Beam
  • PayRunAutomation
  • BureauDashboard
  • Wiise
  • QBOMigrationTool
  • AbridgedFileImport
  • QBOForcedMigration
  • HmrcDpsUpdate
  • HmrcDpsStudentLoan
  • HmrcDpsPostGradLoan
  • Sage50FileImporter
  • FPSFileImporter
  • OAuth
  • FreshBooks
  • StarFileImporter
  • ActiveCampaign
  • SummaryAndDetailsExport
  • Telleroo
  • EmployeeAdvancedHoursUpload
  • BusinessCentral
  • Paytron
  • AccessFinancials
  • Comma
  • Zoho
  • FlatFileEmployeeImporter
  • Twinfield
  • SageAccounting
  • Square
  • Quickfile
  • Tide
  • TideSso
  • FreeAgent
  • Akahu
  • InstaPay
  • Zepto
  • Slack
  • Caxton
  • QuickbooksStandalonePayroll
  • ImportEmployeeSelfSetup
  • XeroIdentityPayrollSignUp
  • XeroIdentityHrSignUp
  • SageIntacct
  • InstaPayDaily
  • Salesforce
  • AutomatedPublicHolidayNotWorked
  • EmployeePayRatesUpload
  • Zapier
startDate date-time Nullable
surname string String
tagsString string String
taxFileNumber string String
taxFileNumberMasked string String
terminationReason string String
timesheetSetting string EmployeeTimesheetSetting

Possible values are:

  • Disabled
  • Enabled
  • EnabledForExceptions
titleId int32 Nullable
triggeredFromMdm boolean Boolean
workPhone string String


The following HTTP status codes may be returned, optionally with a response resource.

Status code Description Resource
200 OK

