Updates the leave category with the specified ID.
PUT http:///api/v2/business/{businessId}/leavecategory/{id}
Parameter name | Value | Description | Additional |
id | int32 | Required | |
businessId | string | Required |
The request body takes a complete UkLeaveCategoryModel resource, containing the following writable properties:
"accruesFirstPayRunPerPeriodOnly": "boolean",
"apply30MinuteRoundingRules": "boolean",
"automaticallyAccrues": "boolean",
"daysWorkedBeforeRecalculating": "int32",
"deductFromPayCategoryId": "int32",
"deductFromPrimaryPayCategory": "boolean",
"excludeFromTerminationPayout": "boolean",
"externalId": "string",
"hideAccrualsOnPayslip": "boolean",
"id": "int32",
"includeIn52WeekAverageCalculation": "boolean",
"isBalanceUntracked": "boolean",
"isNamePrivate": "boolean",
"isOpenEnded": "boolean",
"isPrivate": "boolean",
"leaveAccrualRule": {
"accrualType": "string",
"accrueInAdvance": "boolean",
"capType": "string",
"carryOverAmount": "double",
"carryOverBehaviour": "string",
"id": "int32",
"unitCap": "double"
"leaveCategoryType": "string",
"leaveEntitlement": {
"carryOverAmount": "double",
"carryOverType": "string",
"forfeitureAmount": "double",
"forfeitureMonthsStartAfter": "int32",
"forfeitureType": "string",
"id": "int32",
"isProRata": "boolean",
"leaveBalanceType": "string",
"leaveEntitlementTiers": [
"accrualAmount": "double",
"accrualStartAfter": "int32",
"accrualStartAfterUnitType": "string",
"accrualUnitType": "string",
"id": "int32",
"isDeleted": "boolean"
"standardAllowanceUnitType": "string",
"standardAllowanceUnitTypeAmount": "double"
"leaveUnitType": "string",
"name": "string",
"occupationalAbsencePaymentBands": [
"entitlementUnitType": "string",
"paymentBandIndex": "int32",
"rate": "double"
"occupationalAbsenceServiceBandType": "string",
"occupationalAbsenceServiceBands": [
"addStatutory": "boolean",
"entitlements": [
"paymentBandIndex": "int32",
"units": "double"
"from": "int32",
"id": "int32",
"serviceLength": "int32",
"to": "int32"
"payoutAsETP": "boolean",
"payoutNegativeBalance": "boolean",
"preventNegativeBalanceUnpaidLeaveCategoryId": "int32",
"source": "string",
"transferToPayCategoryId": "int32",
"unitType": "string",
"units": "double",
"unpaidDaysAtStartOfSickPeriod": "int32",
"useDeductFromPayCategoryRate": "boolean"
Name | Type | Description |
accruesFirstPayRunPerPeriodOnly | boolean |
Nullable |
apply30MinuteRoundingRules | boolean | Boolean |
automaticallyAccrues | boolean | Boolean |
daysWorkedBeforeRecalculating | int32 |
Nullable |
deductFromPayCategoryId | int32 |
Nullable |
deductFromPrimaryPayCategory | boolean | Boolean |
excludeFromTerminationPayout | boolean | Boolean |
externalId | string | String |
hideAccrualsOnPayslip | boolean | Boolean |
id | int32 | Int32 |
includeIn52WeekAverageCalculation | boolean | Boolean |
isBalanceUntracked | boolean | Boolean |
isNamePrivate | boolean | Boolean |
isOpenEnded | boolean | Boolean |
isPrivate | boolean | Boolean |
leaveAccrualRule | object | LeaveAccrualRuleModel |
leaveAccrualRule.accrualType | string |
Possible values are:
leaveAccrualRule.accrueInAdvance | boolean | Boolean |
leaveAccrualRule.capType | string |
Possible values are:
leaveAccrualRule.carryOverAmount | double | Decimal |
leaveAccrualRule.carryOverBehaviour | string |
Possible values are:
leaveAccrualRule.id | int32 | Int32 |
leaveAccrualRule.unitCap | double | Decimal |
leaveCategoryType | string |
Possible values are:
leaveEntitlement | object | LeaveEntitlementModel |
leaveEntitlement.carryOverAmount | double | Decimal |
leaveEntitlement.carryOverType | string |
Possible values are:
leaveEntitlement.forfeitureAmount | double | Decimal |
leaveEntitlement.forfeitureMonthsStartAfter | int32 | Int32 |
leaveEntitlement.forfeitureType | string |
Possible values are:
leaveEntitlement.id | int32 | Int32 |
leaveEntitlement.isProRata | boolean | Boolean |
leaveEntitlement.leaveBalanceType | string |
Possible values are:
leaveEntitlement.leaveEntitlementTiers[] | array | |
leaveEntitlement.leaveEntitlementTiers[].accrualAmount | double | Decimal |
leaveEntitlement.leaveEntitlementTiers[].accrualStartAfter | int32 | Int32 |
leaveEntitlement.leaveEntitlementTiers[].accrualStartAfterUnitType | string |
Possible values are:
leaveEntitlement.leaveEntitlementTiers[].accrualUnitType | string |
Possible values are:
leaveEntitlement.leaveEntitlementTiers[].id | int32 | Int32 |
leaveEntitlement.leaveEntitlementTiers[].isDeleted | boolean | Boolean |
leaveEntitlement.standardAllowanceUnitType | string |
Possible values are:
leaveEntitlement.standardAllowanceUnitTypeAmount | double | Decimal |
leaveUnitType | string |
Possible values are:
name | string | String |
occupationalAbsencePaymentBands[] | array | |
occupationalAbsencePaymentBands[].entitlementUnitType | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
occupationalAbsencePaymentBands[].paymentBandIndex | int32 | Int32 |
occupationalAbsencePaymentBands[].rate | double | Decimal |
occupationalAbsenceServiceBandType | string |
Possible values are:
occupationalAbsenceServiceBands[] | array | |
occupationalAbsenceServiceBands[].addStatutory | boolean | Boolean |
occupationalAbsenceServiceBands[].entitlements[] | array | |
occupationalAbsenceServiceBands[].entitlements[].paymentBandIndex | int32 | Int32 |
occupationalAbsenceServiceBands[].entitlements[].units | double | Decimal |
occupationalAbsenceServiceBands[].from | int32 | Int32 |
occupationalAbsenceServiceBands[].id | int32 | Int32 |
occupationalAbsenceServiceBands[].serviceLength | int32 | Int32 |
occupationalAbsenceServiceBands[].to | int32 |
Nullable |
payoutAsETP | boolean | Boolean |
payoutNegativeBalance | boolean | Boolean |
preventNegativeBalanceUnpaidLeaveCategoryId | int32 |
Nullable |
source | string | String |
transferToPayCategoryId | int32 |
Nullable |
unitType | string |
Possible values are:
units | double | Decimal |
unpaidDaysAtStartOfSickPeriod | int32 |
Nullable |
useDeductFromPayCategoryRate | boolean | Boolean |
The following HTTP status codes may be returned, optionally with a response resource.
Status code | Description | Resource |
200 | OK OK |
UkLeaveCategoryModel |