If no ID is specified, create a new timesheet for the employee. Otherwise, update the timesheet with the specified ID.
POST http:///api/v2/ess/{employeeId}/timesheet
Parameter name | Value | Description | Additional |
employeeId | string | Required |
The request body takes a complete EssTimesheetModel resource, containing the following writable properties:
"attachment": {
"data": "byte",
"dateCreated": "date-time",
"dateScanned": "date-time",
"friendlyName": "string",
"id": "int32",
"isDeleted": "boolean",
"isInfected": "boolean",
"url": "string"
"autoApprovedByRosterShiftId": "int32",
"breaks": [
"end": "date-time",
"id": "int32",
"isPaidBreak": "boolean",
"start": "date-time",
"submittedEnd": "date-time",
"submittedStart": "date-time"
"classificationId": "int32",
"classificationName": "string",
"comments": "string",
"cost": "double",
"costByLocation": "double",
"costingData": {
"allowances": [
"classification": {
"id": "int32",
"name": "string",
"rank": "int32"
"cost": "double",
"option": "string",
"payCategory": "string",
"payCategoryId": "int32",
"rateMultiplier": "double",
"type": "string",
"units": "double"
"isConsolidated": "boolean",
"liabilities": [
"amount": "double",
"cost": "double",
"includeInShiftCost": "boolean",
"liabilityCategoryId": "int32",
"liabilityCategoryName": "string",
"option": "string"
"shiftParts": [
"actualDuration": "string",
"baseRate": "double",
"calculatedRate": "double",
"classification": {
"id": "int32",
"name": "string",
"rank": "int32"
"cost": "double",
"effectiveDuration": "string",
"endTime": "date-time",
"isAllowanceOrUnitBased": "boolean",
"isBreak": "boolean",
"isPaidBreak": "boolean",
"leaveCategory": {
"id": "int32",
"name": "string"
"location": {
"id": "int32",
"name": "string",
"state": "string"
"payCategory": "string",
"payCategoryId": "int32",
"rateMultiplier": "double",
"startTime": "date-time",
"workType": {
"id": "int32",
"linkType": "string",
"name": "string"
"costingDataByLocation": {
"allowances": [
"classification": {
"id": "int32",
"name": "string",
"rank": "int32"
"cost": "double",
"option": "string",
"payCategory": "string",
"payCategoryId": "int32",
"rateMultiplier": "double",
"type": "string",
"units": "double"
"isConsolidated": "boolean",
"liabilities": [
"amount": "double",
"cost": "double",
"includeInShiftCost": "boolean",
"liabilityCategoryId": "int32",
"liabilityCategoryName": "string",
"option": "string"
"shiftParts": [
"actualDuration": "string",
"baseRate": "double",
"calculatedRate": "double",
"classification": {
"id": "int32",
"name": "string",
"rank": "int32"
"cost": "double",
"effectiveDuration": "string",
"endTime": "date-time",
"isAllowanceOrUnitBased": "boolean",
"isBreak": "boolean",
"isPaidBreak": "boolean",
"leaveCategory": {
"id": "int32",
"name": "string"
"location": {
"id": "int32",
"name": "string",
"state": "string"
"payCategory": "string",
"payCategoryId": "int32",
"rateMultiplier": "double",
"startTime": "date-time",
"workType": {
"id": "int32",
"linkType": "string",
"name": "string"
"dimensionValueIds": [
"discard": "boolean",
"durationOverride": "string",
"employeeId": "int32",
"employeeName": "string",
"end": "date-time",
"externalReferenceId": "string",
"hiddenComments": "string",
"id": "int32",
"ignoreRounding": "boolean",
"isLocked": "boolean",
"isOverlapping": "boolean",
"isUnitBasedWorkType": "boolean",
"leaveCategoryId": "int32",
"leaveRequestId": "int32",
"locationId": "int32",
"locationName": "string",
"overdrawsLeave": "boolean",
"payCategoryId": "int32",
"payRunId": "int32",
"paySlipUrl": "string",
"rate": "double",
"readOnly": "boolean",
"reviewedBy": "string",
"shiftConditionIds": [
"source": "string",
"start": "date-time",
"status": "string",
"statusId": "int32",
"submittedEnd": "date-time",
"submittedStart": "date-time",
"unitType": "string",
"units": "double",
"workTypeId": "int32",
"workTypeName": "string"
Name | Type | Description |
attachment | object | Attachment |
attachment.data | byte | Byte[] |
attachment.dateCreated | date-time |
Nullable |
attachment.dateScanned | date-time |
Nullable |
attachment.friendlyName | string | String |
attachment.id | int32 |
Nullable |
attachment.isDeleted | boolean | Boolean |
attachment.isInfected | boolean |
Nullable |
attachment.url | string | String |
autoApprovedByRosterShiftId | int32 |
Nullable |
breaks[] | array | |
breaks[].end | date-time |
Nullable |
breaks[].id | int32 | Int32 |
breaks[].isPaidBreak | boolean | Boolean |
breaks[].start | date-time |
Nullable |
breaks[].submittedEnd | date-time |
Nullable |
breaks[].submittedStart | date-time |
Nullable |
classificationId | int32 |
Nullable |
classificationName | string | String |
comments | string | String |
cost | double |
Nullable |
costByLocation | double |
Nullable |
costingData | object | ShiftCostingData |
costingData.allowances[] | array | |
costingData.allowances[].classification | object | NominalClassification |
costingData.allowances[].classification.id | int32 | Int32 |
costingData.allowances[].classification.name | string | String |
costingData.allowances[].classification.rank | int32 | Int32 |
costingData.allowances[].cost | double | Decimal |
costingData.allowances[].option | string |
Possible values are:
costingData.allowances[].payCategory | string | String |
costingData.allowances[].payCategoryId | int32 | Int32 |
costingData.allowances[].rateMultiplier | double | Decimal |
costingData.allowances[].type | string |
Possible values are:
costingData.allowances[].units | double | Decimal |
costingData.isConsolidated | boolean | Boolean |
costingData.liabilities[] | array | |
costingData.liabilities[].amount | double | Decimal |
costingData.liabilities[].cost | double | Decimal |
costingData.liabilities[].includeInShiftCost | boolean | Boolean |
costingData.liabilities[].liabilityCategoryId | int32 | Int32 |
costingData.liabilities[].liabilityCategoryName | string | String |
costingData.liabilities[].option | string |
Possible values are:
costingData.shiftParts[] | array | |
costingData.shiftParts[].actualDuration | string | TimeSpan |
costingData.shiftParts[].baseRate | double | Decimal |
costingData.shiftParts[].calculatedRate | double | Decimal |
costingData.shiftParts[].classification | object | NominalClassification |
costingData.shiftParts[].classification.id | int32 | Int32 |
costingData.shiftParts[].classification.name | string | String |
costingData.shiftParts[].classification.rank | int32 | Int32 |
costingData.shiftParts[].cost | double | Decimal |
costingData.shiftParts[].effectiveDuration | string | TimeSpan |
costingData.shiftParts[].endTime | date-time | DateTime |
costingData.shiftParts[].isAllowanceOrUnitBased | boolean | Boolean |
costingData.shiftParts[].isBreak | boolean | Boolean |
costingData.shiftParts[].isPaidBreak | boolean | Boolean |
costingData.shiftParts[].leaveCategory | object | NominalLeaveCategory |
costingData.shiftParts[].leaveCategory.id | int32 | Int32 |
costingData.shiftParts[].leaveCategory.name | string | String |
costingData.shiftParts[].location | object | NominalLocation |
costingData.shiftParts[].location.id | int32 | Int32 |
costingData.shiftParts[].location.name | string | String |
costingData.shiftParts[].location.state | string | String |
costingData.shiftParts[].payCategory | string | String |
costingData.shiftParts[].payCategoryId | int32 | Int32 |
costingData.shiftParts[].rateMultiplier | double |
Nullable |
costingData.shiftParts[].startTime | date-time | DateTime |
costingData.shiftParts[].workType | object | NominalWorkType |
costingData.shiftParts[].workType.id | int32 | Int32 |
costingData.shiftParts[].workType.linkType | string |
Possible values are:
costingData.shiftParts[].workType.name | string | String |
costingDataByLocation | object | ShiftCostingData |
costingDataByLocation.allowances[] | array | |
costingDataByLocation.allowances[].classification | object | NominalClassification |
costingDataByLocation.allowances[].classification.id | int32 | Int32 |
costingDataByLocation.allowances[].classification.name | string | String |
costingDataByLocation.allowances[].classification.rank | int32 | Int32 |
costingDataByLocation.allowances[].cost | double | Decimal |
costingDataByLocation.allowances[].option | string |
Possible values are:
costingDataByLocation.allowances[].payCategory | string | String |
costingDataByLocation.allowances[].payCategoryId | int32 | Int32 |
costingDataByLocation.allowances[].rateMultiplier | double | Decimal |
costingDataByLocation.allowances[].type | string |
Possible values are:
costingDataByLocation.allowances[].units | double | Decimal |
costingDataByLocation.isConsolidated | boolean | Boolean |
costingDataByLocation.liabilities[] | array | |
costingDataByLocation.liabilities[].amount | double | Decimal |
costingDataByLocation.liabilities[].cost | double | Decimal |
costingDataByLocation.liabilities[].includeInShiftCost | boolean | Boolean |
costingDataByLocation.liabilities[].liabilityCategoryId | int32 | Int32 |
costingDataByLocation.liabilities[].liabilityCategoryName | string | String |
costingDataByLocation.liabilities[].option | string |
Possible values are:
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[] | array | |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].actualDuration | string | TimeSpan |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].baseRate | double | Decimal |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].calculatedRate | double | Decimal |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].classification | object | NominalClassification |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].classification.id | int32 | Int32 |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].classification.name | string | String |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].classification.rank | int32 | Int32 |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].cost | double | Decimal |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].effectiveDuration | string | TimeSpan |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].endTime | date-time | DateTime |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].isAllowanceOrUnitBased | boolean | Boolean |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].isBreak | boolean | Boolean |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].isPaidBreak | boolean | Boolean |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].leaveCategory | object | NominalLeaveCategory |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].leaveCategory.id | int32 | Int32 |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].leaveCategory.name | string | String |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].location | object | NominalLocation |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].location.id | int32 | Int32 |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].location.name | string | String |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].location.state | string | String |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].payCategory | string | String |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].payCategoryId | int32 | Int32 |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].rateMultiplier | double |
Nullable |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].startTime | date-time | DateTime |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].workType | object | NominalWorkType |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].workType.id | int32 | Int32 |
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].workType.linkType | string |
Possible values are:
costingDataByLocation.shiftParts[].workType.name | string | String |
dimensionValueIds[] | array of int32 | |
discard | boolean | Boolean |
durationOverride | string |
Nullable |
employeeId | int32 | Int32 |
employeeName | string | String |
end | date-time |
Nullable |
externalReferenceId | string | String |
hiddenComments | string | String |
id | int32 | Int32 |
ignoreRounding | boolean | Boolean |
isLocked | boolean | Boolean |
isOverlapping | boolean | Boolean |
isUnitBasedWorkType | boolean | Boolean |
leaveCategoryId | int32 |
Nullable |
leaveRequestId | int32 |
Nullable |
locationId | int32 |
Nullable |
locationName | string | String |
overdrawsLeave | boolean | Boolean |
payCategoryId | int32 |
Nullable |
payRunId | int32 |
Nullable |
paySlipUrl | string | String |
rate | double |
Nullable |
readOnly | boolean | Boolean |
reviewedBy | string | String |
shiftConditionIds[] | array of int32 | |
source | string |
Possible values are:
start | date-time |
Nullable |
status | string |
Possible values are:
statusId | int32 | Int32 |
submittedEnd | date-time |
Nullable |
submittedStart | date-time |
Nullable |
unitType | string | String |
units | double |
Nullable |
workTypeId | int32 |
Nullable |
workTypeName | string | String |
The following HTTP status codes may be returned, optionally with a response resource.
Status code | Description | Resource |
200 | OK OK |
EssTimesheetAndSummaryModel |