Creates a new pay category for the business.



Path parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
businessId string Required

Request body

The request body takes a complete UkPayCategoryModel resource, containing the following writable properties:

    "accruesLeave": "boolean",
    "applyCisDeduction": "boolean",
    "cisCategory": "boolean",
    "cisType": "string",
    "externalId": "string",
    "generalLedgerMappingCode": "string",
    "hideUnitsOnPaySlip": "boolean",
    "id": "int32",
    "is52WeekAverageEnabled": "boolean",
    "isClass1ANIable": "boolean",
    "isEmployeePensionable": "boolean",
    "isEmployerPensionable": "boolean",
    "isNationalInsuranceExempt": "boolean",
    "isNetPayment": "boolean",
    "isPrimary": "boolean",
    "isSystemPayCategory": "boolean",
    "isTaxExempt": "boolean",
    "minimumWageCalculationImpact": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "numberOfDecimalPlaces": "int32",
    "parentId": "int32",
    "payCategoryType": "string",
    "penaltyLoadingPercent": "double",
    "rateLoadingPercent": "double",
    "rateUnit": "string",
    "roundingMethod": "string",
    "source": "string"


Name Type Description
accruesLeave boolean Boolean
applyCisDeduction boolean Boolean
cisCategory boolean Boolean
cisType string PayCategoryCisType

Possible values are:

  • Other
  • Materials
  • VAT
externalId string String
generalLedgerMappingCode string String
hideUnitsOnPaySlip boolean Boolean
id int32 Int32
is52WeekAverageEnabled boolean Boolean
isClass1ANIable boolean Boolean
isEmployeePensionable boolean Boolean
isEmployerPensionable boolean Boolean
isNationalInsuranceExempt boolean Boolean
isNetPayment boolean Boolean
isPrimary boolean Boolean
isSystemPayCategory boolean Boolean
isTaxExempt boolean Boolean
minimumWageCalculationImpact string MinimumWageCalculationImpact

Possible values are:

  • Include
  • IncludeBaseRate
  • Exclude
name string String
numberOfDecimalPlaces int32 Nullable
parentId int32 Nullable
payCategoryType string UkPayCategoryType

Possible values are:

  • Standard
  • StatutorySickPay
  • StatutoryMaternityPay
  • StatutoryAdoptionPay
  • StatutoryPaternityPay
  • StatutorySharedParentalPay
  • KeepingInTouchDay
  • StatutoryParentalBereavementPay
  • RolledUpHolidayPay
  • ShppInTouchPay
penaltyLoadingPercent double Decimal
rateLoadingPercent double Decimal
rateUnit string RateUnitEnum

Possible values are:

  • Hourly
  • Annually
  • Fixed
  • Daily
  • Monthly
roundingMethod string Nullable

Possible values are:

  • ToEven
  • AwayFromZero
source string String


The following HTTP status codes may be returned, optionally with a response resource.

Status code Description Resource
200 OK

