Gets the journal for a finalised pay run with the specified Id.



Path parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
businessId string Required

Query parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
payRunId int32 Required
journalView string

Possible values are:

  • NotSet
  • Summary
  • Details
  • Both
  • Excel
journalService string

Possible values are:

  • None
  • Saasu
  • Xero
  • MYOB
  • Deputy
  • EmployeeTimePunch
  • ClickSuper
  • IntegratedTimesheets
  • FileImport
  • FileExport
  • QuickBooks
  • Harmony
  • AwardStore
  • Attache
  • IntegratedRostering
  • ReckonAccounts
  • API
  • MicroPower
  • RosterLive
  • NetSuite
  • Kounta
  • TimeAndAttendanceKiosk
  • DetailedFileExport
  • JonasPremier
  • WageEasy
  • Maestrano
  • WorkZone
  • EmployeePortal
  • RosterTemplate
  • Onboarding
  • Admin
  • WorkZoneClockOnOff
  • NetSuiteOneWorld
  • Sage50
  • PensionSync
  • FinancialsOffice
  • ProntoXI
  • PayRunDefault
  • StandardWorkDay
  • Beam
  • PayRunAutomation
  • BureauDashboard
  • Wiise
  • QBOMigrationTool
  • AbridgedFileImport
  • QBOForcedMigration
  • HmrcDpsUpdate
  • HmrcDpsStudentLoan
  • HmrcDpsPostGradLoan
  • Sage50FileImporter
  • FPSFileImporter
  • OAuth
  • FreshBooks
  • StarFileImporter
  • ActiveCampaign
  • SummaryAndDetailsExport
  • Telleroo
  • EmployeeAdvancedHoursUpload
  • BusinessCentral
  • Paytron
  • AccessFinancials
  • Comma
  • Zoho
  • FlatFileEmployeeImporter
  • Twinfield
  • SageAccounting
  • Square
  • Quickfile
  • Tide
  • TideSso
  • FreeAgent
  • Akahu
  • InstaPay
  • Zepto
  • Slack
  • Caxton
  • QuickbooksStandalonePayroll
  • ImportEmployeeSelfSetup
  • XeroIdentityPayrollSignUp
  • XeroIdentityHrSignUp
  • SageIntacct
  • InstaPayDaily
  • Salesforce
  • AutomatedPublicHolidayNotWorked
  • EmployeePayRatesUpload
  • Zapier


The following HTTP status codes may be returned, optionally with a response resource.

Status code Description Resource
200 OK