Updates the employee with the specified ID. Only fields to be updated need be specified. Fields left unspecified or null will not be changed. To update a field provide the new value, to specifically clear a value use the string "(clear)" or "0".
PUT http:///api/v2/business/{businessId}/employee/unstructured/{employeeId}
Parameter name | Value | Description | Additional |
employeeId | int32 | Required | |
businessId | string | Required |
The request body takes a complete AuUnstructuredEmployeeModel resource, containing the following writable properties:
"anniversaryDate": "date-time",
"australianResident": "boolean",
"automaticallyApplyPublicHolidayNotWorkedEarningsLines": "boolean",
"automaticallyPayEmployee": "string",
"awardId": "int32",
"bankAccount1_AccountName": "string",
"bankAccount1_AccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccount1_AllocatedPercentage": "double",
"bankAccount1_BSB": "string",
"bankAccount1_FixedAmount": "double",
"bankAccount2_AccountName": "string",
"bankAccount2_AccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccount2_AllocatedPercentage": "double",
"bankAccount2_BSB": "string",
"bankAccount2_FixedAmount": "double",
"bankAccount3_AccountName": "string",
"bankAccount3_AccountNumber": "string",
"bankAccount3_AllocatedPercentage": "double",
"bankAccount3_BSB": "string",
"bankAccount3_FixedAmount": "double",
"businessAwardPackage": "string",
"claimMedicareLevyReduction": "boolean",
"claimTaxFreeThreshold": "boolean",
"closelyHeldEmployee": "boolean",
"closelyHeldReporting": "string",
"contractorABN": "string",
"dateCreated": "date-time",
"dateOfBirth": "date-time",
"dateTaxFileDeclarationReported": "date-time",
"dateTaxFileDeclarationSigned": "date-time",
"disableAutoProgression": "boolean",
"dvlPaySlipDescription": "string",
"emailAddress": "string",
"emergencyContact1_Address": "string",
"emergencyContact1_AlternateContactNumber": "string",
"emergencyContact1_ContactNumber": "string",
"emergencyContact1_Name": "string",
"emergencyContact1_Relationship": "string",
"emergencyContact2_Address": "string",
"emergencyContact2_AlternateContactNumber": "string",
"emergencyContact2_ContactNumber": "string",
"emergencyContact2_Name": "string",
"emergencyContact2_Relationship": "string",
"employingEntityABN": "string",
"employingEntityId": "string",
"employmentAgreement": "string",
"employmentAgreementId": "int32",
"employmentType": "string",
"endDate": "date-time",
"externalId": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"gender": "string",
"hasApprovedWorkingHolidayVisa": "boolean",
"hasWithholdingVariation": "boolean",
"homePhone": "string",
"hoursPerDay": "double",
"hoursPerWeek": "double",
"id": "int32",
"includeInPortableLongServiceLeaveReport": "boolean",
"isEnabledForTimesheets": "string",
"isExemptFromFloodLevy": "boolean",
"isExemptFromPayrollTax": "boolean",
"isSeasonalWorker": "boolean",
"jobTitle": "string",
"leaveAccrualStartDateType": "string",
"leaveTemplate": "string",
"leaveYearStart": "date-time",
"locations": "string",
"maximumQuarterlySuperContributionsBase": "double",
"medicareLevyExemption": "string",
"medicareLevyReductionDependentCount": "int32",
"medicareLevyReductionSpouse": "boolean",
"medicareLevySurchargeWithholdingTier": "string",
"middleName": "string",
"mobilePhone": "string",
"otherTaxOffset": "boolean",
"overrideTemplateRate": "string",
"payConditionRuleSet": "string",
"payRateTemplate": "string",
"paySchedule": "string",
"paySlipNotificationType": "string",
"portableLongServiceLeaveId": "string",
"postalAddressIsOverseas": "boolean",
"postalAddressLine2": "string",
"postalCountry": "string",
"postalPostCode": "string",
"postalState": "string",
"postalStreetAddress": "string",
"postalSuburb": "string",
"preferredName": "string",
"previousSurname": "string",
"primaryLocation": "string",
"primaryPayCategory": "string",
"rate": "double",
"rateUnit": "string",
"reportingDimensionValues": "string",
"residentialAddressIsOverseas": "boolean",
"residentialAddressLine2": "string",
"residentialCountry": "string",
"residentialPostCode": "string",
"residentialState": "string",
"residentialStreetAddress": "string",
"residentialSuburb": "string",
"rosteringNotificationChoices": "string",
"seniorsTaxOffset": "boolean",
"singleTouchPayroll": "string",
"startDate": "date-time",
"status": "string",
"stslDebt": "boolean",
"superFund1_AllocatedPercentage": "double",
"superFund1_EmployerNominatedFund": "boolean",
"superFund1_FixedAmount": "double",
"superFund1_FundName": "string",
"superFund1_MemberNumber": "string",
"superFund1_ProductCode": "string",
"superFund2_AllocatedPercentage": "double",
"superFund2_EmployerNominatedFund": "boolean",
"superFund2_FixedAmount": "double",
"superFund2_FundName": "string",
"superFund2_MemberNumber": "string",
"superFund2_ProductCode": "string",
"superFund3_AllocatedPercentage": "double",
"superFund3_EmployerNominatedFund": "boolean",
"superFund3_FixedAmount": "double",
"superFund3_FundName": "string",
"superFund3_MemberNumber": "string",
"superFund3_ProductCode": "string",
"superThresholdAmount": "double",
"surname": "string",
"tags": "string",
"taxCategory": "string",
"taxFileNumber": "string",
"taxVariation": "double",
"terminationReason": "string",
"title": "string",
"workPhone": "string",
"workTypes": "string",
"workingHolidayVisaCountry": "string",
"workingHolidayVisaStartDate": "date-time"
Name | Type | Description |
anniversaryDate | date-time |
Nullable |
australianResident | boolean |
Nullable |
automaticallyApplyPublicHolidayNotWorkedEarningsLines | boolean |
Nullable |
automaticallyPayEmployee | string | String |
awardId | int32 |
Nullable |
bankAccount1_AccountName | string | String |
bankAccount1_AccountNumber | string | String |
bankAccount1_AllocatedPercentage | double |
Nullable |
bankAccount1_BSB | string | String |
bankAccount1_FixedAmount | double |
Nullable |
bankAccount2_AccountName | string | String |
bankAccount2_AccountNumber | string | String |
bankAccount2_AllocatedPercentage | double |
Nullable |
bankAccount2_BSB | string | String |
bankAccount2_FixedAmount | double |
Nullable |
bankAccount3_AccountName | string | String |
bankAccount3_AccountNumber | string | String |
bankAccount3_AllocatedPercentage | double |
Nullable |
bankAccount3_BSB | string | String |
bankAccount3_FixedAmount | double |
Nullable |
businessAwardPackage | string | String |
claimMedicareLevyReduction | boolean |
Nullable |
claimTaxFreeThreshold | boolean |
Nullable |
closelyHeldEmployee | boolean |
Nullable Note:A non-null value here will overwrite the SingleTouchPayroll value. Set this to null if SingleTouchPayroll value should be used. |
closelyHeldReporting | string |
Nullable Note:During a transition period, a null value will default to PayPerQuarter if CloselyHeldEmployee is "true". A null value with CloselyHeldEmployee = "true" will not be valid in the future. Possible values are:
contractorABN | string | String |
dateCreated | date-time | DateTime |
dateOfBirth | date-time |
Nullable |
dateTaxFileDeclarationReported | date-time |
Nullable |
dateTaxFileDeclarationSigned | date-time |
Nullable |
disableAutoProgression | boolean |
Nullable |
dvlPaySlipDescription | string |
String Possible values are:
emailAddress | string | String |
emergencyContact1_Address | string | String |
emergencyContact1_AlternateContactNumber | string | String |
emergencyContact1_ContactNumber | string | String |
emergencyContact1_Name | string | String |
emergencyContact1_Relationship | string | String |
emergencyContact2_Address | string | String |
emergencyContact2_AlternateContactNumber | string | String |
emergencyContact2_ContactNumber | string | String |
emergencyContact2_Name | string | String |
emergencyContact2_Relationship | string | String |
employingEntityABN | string | String |
employingEntityId | string | String |
employmentAgreement | string | String |
employmentAgreementId | int32 |
Nullable |
employmentType | string | String |
endDate | date-time |
Nullable |
externalId | string | String |
firstName | string | String |
gender | string | String |
hasApprovedWorkingHolidayVisa | boolean |
Nullable |
hasWithholdingVariation | boolean |
Nullable |
homePhone | string | String |
hoursPerDay | double |
Nullable A null value will default to the business setting for Standard hours per day |
hoursPerWeek | double |
Nullable |
id | int32 | Int32 |
includeInPortableLongServiceLeaveReport | boolean |
Nullable |
isEnabledForTimesheets | string | String |
isExemptFromFloodLevy | boolean |
Nullable |
isExemptFromPayrollTax | boolean |
Nullable |
isSeasonalWorker | boolean |
Nullable |
jobTitle | string | String |
leaveAccrualStartDateType | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
leaveTemplate | string | String |
leaveYearStart | date-time |
Nullable |
locations | string | String |
maximumQuarterlySuperContributionsBase | double |
Nullable |
medicareLevyExemption | string | String |
medicareLevyReductionDependentCount | int32 |
Nullable |
medicareLevyReductionSpouse | boolean |
Nullable |
medicareLevySurchargeWithholdingTier | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
middleName | string | String |
mobilePhone | string | String |
otherTaxOffset | boolean |
Nullable |
overrideTemplateRate | string | String |
payConditionRuleSet | string | String |
payRateTemplate | string | String |
paySchedule | string | String |
paySlipNotificationType | string | String |
portableLongServiceLeaveId | string | String |
postalAddressIsOverseas | boolean |
Nullable |
postalAddressLine2 | string | String |
postalCountry | string | String |
postalPostCode | string | String |
postalState | string | String |
postalStreetAddress | string | String |
postalSuburb | string | String |
preferredName | string | String |
previousSurname | string | String |
primaryLocation | string | String |
primaryPayCategory | string | String |
rate | double |
Nullable |
rateUnit | string | String |
reportingDimensionValues | string | String |
residentialAddressIsOverseas | boolean |
Nullable |
residentialAddressLine2 | string | String |
residentialCountry | string | String |
residentialPostCode | string | String |
residentialState | string | String |
residentialStreetAddress | string | String |
residentialSuburb | string | String |
rosteringNotificationChoices | string | String |
seniorsTaxOffset | boolean |
Nullable |
singleTouchPayroll | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
startDate | date-time |
Nullable |
status | string |
Possible values are:
stslDebt | boolean |
Nullable |
superFund1_AllocatedPercentage | double |
Nullable |
superFund1_EmployerNominatedFund | boolean |
Nullable |
superFund1_FixedAmount | double |
Nullable |
superFund1_FundName | string | String |
superFund1_MemberNumber | string | String |
superFund1_ProductCode | string |
Nullable Must be "SMSF" for a self managed super fund |
superFund2_AllocatedPercentage | double |
Nullable |
superFund2_EmployerNominatedFund | boolean |
Nullable |
superFund2_FixedAmount | double |
Nullable |
superFund2_FundName | string | String |
superFund2_MemberNumber | string | String |
superFund2_ProductCode | string |
Nullable Must be "SMSF" for a self managed super fund |
superFund3_AllocatedPercentage | double |
Nullable |
superFund3_EmployerNominatedFund | boolean |
Nullable |
superFund3_FixedAmount | double |
Nullable |
superFund3_FundName | string | String |
superFund3_MemberNumber | string | String |
superFund3_ProductCode | string |
Nullable Must be "SMSF" for a self managed super fund |
superThresholdAmount | double |
Nullable |
surname | string | String |
tags | string | String |
taxCategory | string |
Nullable Possible values are:
taxFileNumber | string | String |
taxVariation | double |
Nullable |
terminationReason | string | String |
title | string | String |
workPhone | string | String |
workTypes | string | String |
workingHolidayVisaCountry | string | String |
workingHolidayVisaStartDate | date-time |
Nullable |
The following HTTP status codes may be returned, optionally with a response resource.
Status code | Description | Resource |
200 | OK OK |
EmployeeUpdateResponseModel |